Drink / Bar Services
Just as flexible as the food!
At Carringtons we have a flexible approach to our drinks service to fit in with your needs and requirements.
For those who feel that the wines play a most important important part in any meal We have an extensive wealth of knowledge at our fingertips to provide the perfect accompaniments to your menu, or a creative cocktail to give that impact on arrival.
In addition to our wine lists we will happily source your favourite wines and come up with some interesting alternatives. These can be purchased on a sale or return basis or we can create a tailor made drinks package for you. For those who just like to drink it. With the help of our wine experts we can source a wide range of very palatable wines at house prices.
If you prefer to supply your own drinks we will be happy to chill them and serve them for you. We can advise you on approximate amounts and what to buy. We can provide a full cash bar or if you would like us to just concentrate on what we do best, we will happily just provide food only.
For a quality drinks service,
Don’t leave it to chance, leave it to Carringtons.
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